Monday, May 25, 2009

When Food Meets Film

Last night I was watching "Wonder Boys" with my boyfriend (who will be referred to as J from now on since I'm already tired of writing "my boyfriend") and also eating a donut.  Okay, donuts.  I was thinking about how much I love to eat when watching movies and how I hadn't even realized that I always grab a snack of some kind before hitting play.  My brother would say, the movie just happens to be a coincidence, I'm actually just always eating.  He's probably right.  But, I think food and film have always been connected.  Think back to the old drive-in ads we used to see, or get to keep seeing if you go to the Hi-Pointe (super hipster!), and the entire song and dance numbers devoted to encouraging us to get off our butts and get a hot dog before the movie begins.  Don't mind if I do!  
The most common thing being talked about in terms of food and the movies has to do with complaints over the price of popcorn and other concessions.  But have you really seen fewer people with their giant tubs filing into the theater- often after the movie starts which tells me they're even more adamant about their food than seeing the opening of the film?  I think just the aroma of the buttery goodness we're overwhelmed with when opening those front doors to the theater is often good enough for me.  I'll never forget the fact I'm in a movie theater.  I can't think of anywhere else I go that has such a strong aroma memory that comes back every time my ancient microwave struggles to pop every last kernel.  
But why have we limited ourselves to popcorn, soda, and giant boxes of candy?  A few years ago J and I went to SXSW in Austin over spring break.  Obviously, it was one of the best times of my life, being immersed in film in a way I'd never known before.  But on top of that, the theater we spent the most time in served a full menu during the film.  Alamo Drafthouse Theater is actually a chain of theaters throughout Texas and one in Virginia (?) that serves a full menu from appetizer to desert.  During the movie, waiters dressed in black scurry back and forth in a shallow aisle in front of your seat and underneath the long table that runs in front of them.  You write down something like, chocolate chip cookies, and low and behold in the middle of the film you smell something delicious.  That something delicious is four hot, gooey cookies sitting right in front of you.  For someone who gets antsy by just seeing someone lean over and talk to a person sitting next to them during a movie, I thought this would drive me crazy.  But the employees of the theater literally have this down to a science that only enhances the theater experience, without ever taking away from it.  God bless America.
So now that theaters are branching out with food, why shouldn't we think this through at home?  Is there anything better than slamming a couple beers while watching "Animal House"?  Or downing a huge plate of spaghetti and meatballs during "The Godfather: Part II"?  I think someone should write an entire cookbook dedicated to great DVD and dinner pairings.  Oh wait, somebody already did.
Geeze, and it even has movie trivia!  
Okay, but how about Netflix?  I bet if local Chinese and Pizza places paid for ads and coupons on the inside of that flap we all throw away (has anyone even tried the 1 free download ad that appears every month?) they would triple their business.  And that would just be from my apartment.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Saturday night... so here's a paper I wrote!

I wrote this paper on "Five Easy Pieces" for my Hollywood in the 1970's class this past semester.  At first, I didn't really have much of an opinion on the film but this is definitely one of those examples of where after reading and listening to a class discussion about it, it finally came together for me.  I wrote a paper about how contrast is used to help characterize Bobby.  Wanna here it?  Here it goes!

Bob Rafelson’s non-traditional film Five Easy Pieces created a great reaction in 1970, and still continues to influence cinema today.  The non-traditionally formatted slice-of-life film was unlike anything else, and Jack Nicholson’s performance as Bobby helped make him a star.  While the plot, or lack there of, of the film is the main thing most people tend to focus on whether they love or hate it, the use of contrast is another element that contributes to the success of the film overall.  From environment, to characters, and even music the stark contrasts that Rafelson employs create interest and reveal even more about Bobby.             
Bobby’s environment is one aspect of the film that changes drastically halfway through.  When we are first introduced to Bobby we see him working out in the desolate oil fields, presumably of Texas.  The wide shots of the hot, dusty land elevate the warm, free feeling of the land.  When Bobby goes home to visit his family in Puget Sound, the environment is cool and rainy with mostly blue and gray tones.  Bobby’s family home is also shot with much tighter angles and physically Bobby is more enclosed, as the house is located on an island accessible only by boat.  Physically Bobby’s environment is very different in the Pacific Northwest as compared to Texas as well.  At home with Rayette, the flow of the house is open and Bobby travels throughout it with command.  Even when Rayette is upset with Bobby, her door is wide open to him.  When Bobby goes home to visit though, we see a very cold and formal house where doors are always closed: often closing on Bobby himself.  The contrast between these two places also help reiterate the theme of Bobby not being happy anywhere as both of these extremes do not seem to be right for him.             
The people who surround Bobby in his life are also elements of great contrast.  The women Bobby is sexually attracted to could not be any different in the film.  Originally, we see Bobby with Rayette, a southern, country girl working as a waitress at a diner.  Although Rayette often speaks her mind without thinking, she continually takes Bobby back despite his awful behavior.  She is constantly being affectionate towards Bobby despite his protests and even though he cannot even say he loves her, she appears to think they will be together forever.  Once Bobby goes home he meets and is soon infatuated with his brother’s fiancĂ©, Catherine.  A clearly well educated woman, Catherine is also a classically trained pianist and spends her free time riding horses.  At first, she is put off by Bobby but once she finally does accept him and they have slept together, she is very casual about it and asks him to leave her room soon after.  Their relationship continues in this style until Catherine ultimately rejects him, saying Bobby does not have love for anything in his life and therefore cannot ask for her love in return.  Even the types of music the women enjoy highlight their differences.  While Rayette listens to the same Tammy Wynette record constantly, Catherine is moved to tears after haring Chopin.  The fact that Bobby is followed by a woman he does not want and obsessed with a woman he cannot have further creates contrast in the film and shows his inability to be happy.             
The women in his life are not the only characters of great contrast Bobby encounters.  Back at the oil fields Bobby’s best friend is Elton, a simple man with an uncontrollable laugh.  Elton married his girlfriend, Stoney, after getting her pregnant but clearly has come to enjoy the family life in his trailer in the rural country.  The last we see of Elton he is being carried off by the police for skipping out on bail after robbing a store.  While Elton appears to be a type of brother to Bobby down south, back home in Puget Sound Bobby’s actual brother is incredibly different from Elton.  Carl is another classically trained pianist, now teaching and engaged to Catherine.  He is a very formal and stiff character who barely interacts at all with Bobby and certainly does not appear to have a close brotherly relationship with him.  Bobby pokes fun at Carl, mimicking his walk, but it is done in a more malicious than joking manner in an attempt to undermine Carl.  While Elton and Carl are characters from opposite ends of the spectrum, Bobby manages to insult the intelligence of both men in different ways, again reiterating Bobby’s inability to be content with anything in his life.            
These two contrasting worlds that Bobby seems to exist in do come into contact at times in the film.  The first time it is clear Bobby is not what he seems is during the traffic jam on the highway after he and Elton are turned away from work.  After his frustration boils over in traffic, Bobby hops aboard the back of an open truck and begins playing classical music on the piano.  The contrast especially clear and present for the audience to see, as it exists in a single frame: a southern oil field worker, still in his hardhat, playing incredible music on the piano.  This scene also serves as a bridge between the two contrasting worlds to which Bobby is the only link.  Another time the two worlds collide is when Rayette shows up at Bobby’s house.  The dinner scene with her and Bobby’s family is one of palpable awkwardness as she loudly rattles on about various things.  It is even more obvious after the scholarly mystic who has visited the house begins to insult Rayette in front of everyone.  The contrast in this scene is more important in terms of Bobby as he finally comes to the defense of Rayette; however, it can be said that he is defending himself and his choice to associate with Rayette more than anything.              
The use of contrast is just one of many elements Rafelson employs to further the success of his film Five Easy Pieces.  Not only does contrast create interest in the story but also serves as a way to reveal more about the main character in a creative way.  By showing Bobby existing in two vastly different worlds, and his inability to find happiness in either, tells the audience that this is a character who probably will not be happy anywhere, without actually telling them that. 

Friday, May 22, 2009

First blog! Woohoo! Oh, and it's about Badlands

I thought I'd start off my first post with something I just went through in terms of the movie watching experience.  I've seen Badlands 3 times, in 3 incredibly different situations.  
My boyfriend, who will probably be mentioned often from here on out since he's an even bigger self-proclaimed movie nerd than I am- although we both have our fair share of guilty pleasures (see future blog post!) was the first person who made me watch Badlands a few years ago.  I remember liking it, but for some reason I forgot about most of it shortly after.  This probably had something to do with the fact I watched it on my tiny, old TV that bleeds all the reds together until it actually burns your eyes a little.  But I don't really remember feeling anything after it was over, or really wanting to talk about it in the days to come.  
This past semester I got to see Badlands the way it was meant to be seen, as my teacher always said, on the big screen in a film print.  This is probably one of the best examples I can think of in terms of how the viewing experience can change what you think about a movie.  I couldn't stop thinking, talking, or reading about Badlands.  I was actually excited to get to class the next week to share these ideas and vehemently defend it from anyone ridiculous enough to bash it!  And trust me, I did.  I briefly considered throwing my shoe at the kid who claimed the opera music was pretentious.  But I didn't.  I couldn't believe how immersed I felt during the film, and it felt like an entirely different movie to me the second time around.  I had completely forgotten about the whole "playing house in the woods" sequence and for some reason Martin Sheen as Kit didn't have nearly the effect on me the first time.  The quality and richness of the audio also helped me appreciate and understand the use of narration by Holly- also one of my favorite elements.  
Next, I decided to give Badlands the ultimate test and show it to a friend, and former film production major himself.  I guess I'd forgotten how great it feels to show somebody a movie you love and watch them enjoy it just as much, or even more than you do.  It seems like I've become so jaded by those awkward experiences where you forget just how weird, inappropriate, and/or terrible a movie really is until you show it to a friend.  Okay, but I swear The Science of Sleep was good when I saw it in the theater!  Something must have changed with the making of the DVD...which is what made my best friend fall asleep during it...  Seeing someone else enjoy the movie for the first time and laugh at the same parts that really crack me up, really secured Badlands into the place of one of my favorite movies.  Not that someone else's opinion should ever take away from how I really feel about a movie, but getting to share the complete joy a film can bring me with someone else makes it that much better.  
This definitely made me wonder how many other movies I passed on after having a less than ideal viewing experience.  I've definitely come out of a bad theater experience (thanks to people talking and yes, even snoring) annoyed and a little disconnected, but still able to appreciate and want to see a film again.  I think in terms of a bigger picture, this is a reason why I don't see movie theaters going anywhere or being replaced by watching movies on your ipod, blackberry, whatchamacallit.  The theater is great, and enjoying the movie with someone else is even better.  
So I think the lesson here, really, is that I need a bigger TV.